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Here’s Thomas Cammaert playing the cannibalistic maniac, Hannibal Lecter. He’s such a handsome devil!

Robbie Kay and Fugitive Pieces

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Here’s ROBBIE KAY in FUGITIVE PIECES, (directed by Jeremy Podeswa) which just opened in the US. I’m really proud of Robbie, because not only did I cast him in it, but he was my student. Production hired me to coach him since he had so little experience at the time, and he ended up putting out a superb performance! According to Peter Howell at thestar.com, “the grandest laurels must be reserved for Robbie Kay, who plays Jakob as a young boy. Relatively new to acting , he invests the role with an intensity of purpose not often seen in an actor of so few years.” Howard Schumann in International Entertainment, claims that “Robbie Kay turns in one of the best child performances I have seen in years.” Congratulations Robbie!
Robbie went on to further performances, after picking up a London agent, Kate Buckley. Here’s a preview of Robbie in the upcoming Hallmark production of Pinnocchio with Bob Hoskins.

Panther Command

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Stills from “Panther Command”. Dennis Lyons and James Babson are heroes in this Swiss produced cop show I cast from Prague….

Dennis discovers the shaken James


Isn’t he brave?


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THE CASTING DIRECTOR PANEL DISCUSSION is definitely confirmed for the Edinburgh Film Festival on 20 June. Time and date to be announced later. Please stay tuned. It will include UK casting directors John & Roz Hubbard, Maureen Duff and Priscilla John, and American talent manager Derek Power. 
London: 3-4 June are the correct dates. Please contact Louise Bolton at castingworkshops@hotmail.com
I’m also adding an Edinburgh workshop to coincide with the film festival: 17-18 June
Please contact Helen Raw at info@rawtalentproductions.co.uk
I also want to introduce Lucie Lechner, who will organize my Munich workshops on 23-4 June during the Munich Film Festival. To learn more about Lucie see lucie-Lechner.de


Scene of the Day Award, Glasgow

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Annette Lober and Fred Szkoda playing in Before Sunset:

I know that loooks like Lindsey, not Annette and Fred, but trust me… if you click play, you’ll see them. What I liked about this scene is that they were both enjoying themselves and felt free to experiment. While I cautioned Annette not to let her performance get out of control, I think she has a wonderful sense of freedom in her acting. Fred opened up a lot in this scene too, and the more he practises in front of camera, the more comfortable he will feel.

Scene of the Day Award, Paris

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Here’s James Gerard and Eiren Forsberg in Mirrors:

What I like about this scene is that both actors are taking risks. My students often ask, “how to you take a risk without going over the top?” I think this scene is a good example of actors playing opposites (ie the scene is about love and about hate). There are a lot of changes in the scene and it makes it interesting. 