Feature Film: Hilde
OK so I’ll keep the casting career. Don’t think I’d succeed as a photographer.
Here’s Bernie’s class. Organized thanks to the lovely Louise Bolton. It was hilarious visiting and seeing some of my former students coming OUT so well! (You’ll know what I mean if you ever visit one of his classes.) Check out Frank Gilhooly’s knickers. I would recommend Bernard’s class to anyone who feels like their work, their career is blocked. He’s teaching again in London, Paris and Rome this year.
One of my articles on film acting was just published in Dramatics Magazine. It is mostly oriented towards very young actors (like still in high school or college). I was a little embarassed about a few things in the article since I didn’t get a final edit before it went out… so for example I seem to claim I was THE casting director on Polanski’s Oliver, when really of course I was only one of them… but here it is anyway
E-Talenta will be Europe’s spotlight, an international database for actors. It was meant to start in 2007 but was having teething problems. The site is up now and I would recommend that everyone register on it:
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