Thanks to everyone who came to my book signing in Edinburgh. I have to say that I really have to work on my technique. I mean I look like I’m about to eat my potential readers in this photo… though my colleague Helen Raw is looking a bit friendlier but in a drugged out sort of way.
Please, readers, if you like the Secrets from the Casting Couch, write a review on Amazon. If you don’t like it, please just keep quiet. And speaking of Amazon– those scurvy swines– they listed the wrong price for my book and the publisher is working on correcting it. But what it means for readers is that if you want to order it for super cheap you can order it now on Amazon before they put the price back up!
There is some kind of scam they have going there making it look like they have different vendors. They can somehow afford to sell it for cheaper than I can! Sorry for the loyal fans who came to my book signing and bought it for higher than the Amazon price… but at least you got free wine.